Friday, October 24, 2014

대한민국 지적 장애인들의 고통

지적 장애를 앓는 자매가 남성들에게 성폭행당해 언니는 임신하고 동생은 출산까지 한 사실이 드러나 경찰이 수사를 벌이고 있다.

24일 경찰과 검찰에 따르면 지적장애 3급인 A(22)씨는 지난 2월 인터넷 채팅을 통해 알게 된 이모(26)씨의 인천 남동구 집에 끌려가 이씨로부터 2개월간 성폭행을 당했다.

이씨 후배 2명도 이씨 집에 찾아와 A씨를 성폭행하는 등 유린했으며, 이씨 동거녀 박모씨는 이를 말리기는커녕 A씨에게 집안일을 시키는 등 부려 먹다 수시로 때렸다.

A씨는 두 달 만에 의붓할머니 B(73)씨와 연락이 돼 겨우 그곳을 벗어날 수 있었다.

하지만 A씨는 자신과 마찬가지로 지적장애를 앓고 있던 어머니(47), 여동생(21)과 함께 의붓할머니 집에서도 오랫동안 폭언과 폭행에 시달려 온 것으로 전해졌다.

A씨는 인천에서 당한 성폭행 때문에 임신까지 했지만 의붓할머니의 반대로 낙태 시기를 놓친 것으로 알려졌다. 

A씨 동생도 3년 전 가출했다가 임신한 상태로 돌아와 2012년 말 딸을 출산했다.

지난달 이웃의 신고로 서울시 장애인인권센터가 B씨의 집에 찾아갔을 때 이들 모녀는 비참한 행색이었다고 센터측은 전했다. 

센터 관계자는 "처음 피해자들을 발견했을 때 옷차림이 노숙자나 다름없을 정도로 상태가 열악했다"며 "A씨 어머니는 기초생활수급비로 월 150만원 정도를 받지만 손녀 기저귀를 살 형편도 되지 못했다"고 말했다. 

센터는 A씨 모녀를 B씨 집에서 데려 나와 보호 시설에 지내도록 했다.

자매의 임신과 출산을 통해 성폭행 혐의를 포착한 서울지방경찰청 성폭력특별수사대가 수사에 착수했고, 이 사건을 송치받은 서울중앙지검은 이달 초 이씨와 동네 후배 2명을 성폭행 혐의 등으로 구속 기소했다. 이씨의 동거녀 박씨도 폭행 등 혐의로 불구속 기소됐다.

수사 과정에서 이씨가 에이즈 환자인 사실도 확인됐지만 A씨는 에이즈 검사 결과 음성 판정을 받은 것으로 전해졌다. 

경찰은 A씨와 동생을 성폭행한 가해자가 더 있다는 진술을 확보하고 수사를 확대하고 있다. 

경찰 관계자는 "자매를 성폭행한 다른 남성들에 대한 추가 수사를 하고 있지만 수사를 해 봐야 구체적인 내용이 나올 수 있다"고 말했다. 

서울시 장애인인권센터는 이날 의붓할머니 B씨와 그의 손자를 폭행, 상해, 장애인차별금지 및 권리구제 등에 관한 법률 위반 등 혐의로 구로경찰서에 고발할 계획이다.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

대한민국 공무 논란

지난 2006년부터 2010년까지 국민세금 1405억원이 투입된 송도 맴스팹(MEMS Fab·현재 지멤스)이 7월이후 모든 장비와 시설 가동이 중단된 채 셧다운된 사실이 뒤 늦게 밝혀졌다.

23일 국회 미래창조과학방송통신위원회 소속 유승희 의원(새정치민주연합, 성북갑)에 따르면 지멤스가 민영화 이후 4년 연속 적자를 기록하며 현재 누적 적자가 464억원에 달하고, 차입금도 토지매입금을 포함해 203억원에 이르는 것으로 나타났다. 맵스팹은 초고밀도 집적회로나 머리카락 절반 두께의 초소형 센서로 손톱 크기의 하드디스크 등 초미세 기계구조물을 만드는 반도체 장치 및 시설이다.

정부는 지난 2011년 정보통신산업진흥원(NIPA)이 574억원의 건물과 장비를 현물출자하고, 지멤스컨소시엄이 320억원을 현금출자해 소유지분을 각각 49%대 51%로 분할, 민영화했다.

유승희 의원은 "중요한 것은 차입금 자체도 소유지분 비율에 따라 정부에게도 49%의 부담 책임이 발생한다는 것"이라며 "계속되는 적자를 견디다 못한 경영진은 결국 지난 7월31일부로 맴스소자 제조장비 117점과 8개 유틸리티시스템 가동을 중단하고 모든 시설을 셧다운 상태로 들어간 것"이라고 지적했다.
유 의원에 따르면 한번 셧다운 된 장비와 시설은 다시 재가동하기 위해서는 상당한 시간이 걸리며 비용도 경과기간에 따라 12억원에서 36억원이 소요된다.
장비 및 모든 시설을 셧다운 한 이후에도 적자규모가 다소 줄어들긴 했으나, 여전히 매월 7~8억원 비용이 발생하고 적자 상태가 지속되고 있다. 
유 의원은 "맵스 산업은 세계시장이 2018년 122달러 규모로 성장할 것이라는 전망이 있다"며 "우리에게 차세대 먹을거리 산업일 수 있는데 좀더 앞을 내다보고 제대로 된 정책을 수립해야 한다"고 촉구했다. 

정력에 좋은 음식

정력을 성적인 능력으로만 생각하는 사람이 많지만 정력은 체력, 에너지 등 심신의 활동력까지 모두 포함한다. 

따라서 정력을 챙기는 일은 건강을 위해 꼭 필요하다.

정력제 등도 있지만 주변을 둘러보면 '정력 강화에 입증된 음식'을 쉽게 만날 수 있다. 

남자들 중에서 정력에 좋은 음식을 마다할 사람은 없을 것이다. 남성을 위한 ‘정력 강화 음식 5가지’를 모아봤다.

다만 한두번 먹는 것으로 큰 효과를 볼 수 없으니 꾸준히 섭취해야 한다는 사실을 잊지 말자.


굴은 동서양 모두 정력 식품으로 꼽을 정도로 정력 강화에 효과적인 음식이다.

굴이 이토록 정력에 탁월한 이유는 굴에는 '아연'이 많이 들어있기 때문이다. 

아연은 남성호르몬인 테스토스테론 분비를 촉진한다. 역사적으로 정력의 화신이었던 '카사노바'도 굴을 즐겼다고 한다.

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2. 마늘

다양한 효능을 가진 것으로 알려진 마늘은 정력에도 좋다.

먼저 마늘 안에 들어있는 단백질은 호르몬 분비를 촉진해 정력을 강하게 하는 데 효과가 있다.

또한 마늘에 들어있는 '알리신'이라는 성분은 혈관을 확장시켜 혈액순환이 잘 되도록 돕는다. 즉 혈액순환을 원활하게 만들어 발기 능력을 강화시킨다.

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3. 새우

"총각은 새우를 먹지 말라"라는 말이 있을 정도로 새우는 남성의 양기를 왕성하게 하는 식품으로 알려져왔다.

새우에도 아연이 많이 들어있어 정력을 강화시키는 데 도움이 된다. 

또 한가지 새우가 정력에 탁월한 이유는 베타민 성분 때문이다. 베타민 성분은 강장효과가 뛰어나 정력이 약한 사람에게 좋다.
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4. 부추

부추는 특히 스테미나, 정력을 강화하는 데 효과가 탁월한 것으로 유명했다.

부추도 혈액순환을 원활하게 해 음경의 혈관을 건강하게 유지시켜주고 발기능력을 향상시킨다.

또한 부추에는 항산화 효과가 있는 베타카로틴이 많이 들어있고 비타민 C와 E도 풍부해 피로를 풀어주고 활력을 높여준다.
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5. 장어

대표 스테미너 음식이라고 꼽힐 정도로 장어는 남성들의 사랑을 독차지해왔다.

장어 안에 들어있는 콘드로이친 성분은 남성의 정력을 더욱 튼튼하고 강하게 한다.

또한 장어는 단백질도 풍부해 체력과 정력을 강화하는 데 효과가 있다.

Michael Dell

Michael Dell is the chairman of the board of directors and chief executive officer of Dell, the company he founded with $1000 in 1984 at the age of 19. Notably quoted as saying that “technology is about enabling human potential,” Michael’s vision of how technology should be designed, manufactured and sold forever changed the IT industry. In 1992, Michael became the youngest CEO ever to earn a ranking on the Fortune 500.
Today, Dell Inc. is composed of more than 100,000 team members who serve the IT needs of global corporations, small and medium businesses, governments, healthcare providers, educational institutions and home computing users. From tablets and PCs to the infrastructure, software and services that power the world’s most complex data centers and cloud computing environments, Dell’s broad range of IT services and solutions has helped millions of customers around the world achieve the outcomes that are most important to them.
In 1998, Michael formed MSD Capital, and in 1999, he and his wife established the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation to provide philanthropic support to a variety of global causes.
Michael is an honorary member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum and is an executive committee member of the International Business Council. He is also a member of the Technology CEO Council, the U.S. Business Council and the Business Roundtable. He serves on the governing board of the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad, India and is a board member of Catalyst. In June 2014, Michael was named the United Nations Foundation's first Global Advocate for Entrepreneurship.


원전서 사망한 잠수부 유가족, "무책임한 한수원ㆍ한전KPS 대응에 분노"

지난달 월성원전 3호기에서 한 잠수부가 작업 도중 사망하는 사건이 벌어졌는데, 관리감독 책임이 있는 한국수력원자력(한수원)과 한전KPS가 무책임한 대응으로 일관해 논란이 일고 있다.

사망한 잠수부 故 권봉균씨 지인인 김순구씨는 21일 인사이트와의 인터뷰에서 "한수원과 한전KPS가 너무 무책임한 태도로 유가족에 대응하고 있다"며 이번 사건에 대한 책임자 처벌과 피해 대책이 마련되어야 한다고 밝혔다.

이번 사건은 지난달 29일 월성원전 3호기에서 잠수부 권씨가 작업 중 사망한 것으로, 한수원 측은 시신의 5%에 해당하는 일부만 수습해 유가족에 돌려줬고 현재 '원인을 조사 중이다'는 입장이다.

당시 사건이 벌어지고 언론에서 보도되면서 잠시 조명됐지만 이후 사람들의 관심에서 멀어졌다. 그런데 최근 유가족 측이 이번 사건은 '한수원의 안전관리 소홀로 벌어진 인재'라는 주장을 하면서 새로운 국면을 맞고 있다.

사망한 권씨는 30년 이상의 베테랑 잠수부로 작업 당일 수중에 방수격벽을 설치하기 위해 뻘 제거하는 작업을 진행하고 있었다. 

문제는 수중 작업을 벌이는 곳에서 불과 1.5m 밖에 떨어지지 않았던 3번 펌프가 가동이 되고 있었는데 안전을 위해 펌프를 멈췄어야 했다. 

하지만 한수원 측은 중수로 원전의 특성상 펌프 한 대는 무조건 가동이 되어야 한다는 이유로 가동을 강행했고 권씨는 작업 5분 만에 사망했다.

ⓒ 故 권봉균씨 유가족

사망한 권씨는 3번 펌프 대신 다른 펌프를 가동해 달라고 요청했지만 이런 요구는 묵살됐다. 그런데 권씨가 사망하는 사건이 발생하자 가동이 안된다는 펌프가 곧바로 작동됐다고 김순구씨는 주장했다. 

한수원 측의 설명과 달리 조금만 신경을 썼더라면 이번 사고는 발생하지 않았을 것이라는 이야기다.

충격적인 것은 고인의 시신은 1박2일 수색 끝에 뼈와 살점 등 전체 5% 가량만이 가족 품으로 돌아왔다는 점이다. 

특히 권씨의 시신이 전체 5%에 불과하다는 사실도 장례식을 치르고 난 뒤 장의사에게 전해 들은 유가족들은 분노하고 있다. 

김순구씨는 "권씨가 투입되기 전 작업지 가까운 지점의 3번 펌프 중지를 요청했으나 거부됐고 작업지와 먼 1·4번 펌프로 변경을 요청했으나 그마저도 한전KPS과 한수원 감독관 협의에서 불가 통보를 받았다"고 전했다.

유가족 측은 또 취수구 전면부의 안전사고 방지를 위해 설치하도록 한 안전망도 설치돼 있지 않았다는 점도 사고의 한 요인으로 지적했다.

이와 관련 한수원과 한전KPS 측은 산재 외에 별도 보상절차가 없다며 직원 모금으로 보상하겠다는 납득할 수 없는 답변만 내놓고 있다고 유가족 측은 설명했다. 

또한 언론 보도가 나온 뒤에도 공식 입장은 '공문'으로만 유족 측에 전달하겠다는 입장을 고수해 빈축을 사고 있다.

공기업의 부실한 현장관리와 운영으로 한 가족의 가장이 참혹한 사고를 당했고, 사고 이후의 책임 회피로 인해 시신의 5%만 갖고 장례를 치르는 충격적인 일이 벌어져 누리꾼들은 크게 분노하고 있다.



President and CEO, Sony Corporation
Since April 2012, Kazuo (Kaz) Hirai has held the position of Representative Corporate Executive Officer, President and CEO, Sony Corporation and, in June 2012, was appointed a Director of the Sony Board.
Mr. Hirai previously served as Representative Corporate Executive Officer, Executive Deputy President, Sony Corporation, and President of the Consumer Products & Services Group, overseeing Sony’s entire portfolio of consumer electronics products and digital networked services. 
From 2006, Mr. Hirai served as President and Group Chief Executive Officer of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI), during which time he successfully returned the PlayStation business to profit and drove the growth of the PlayStation Network, which provided users with revolutionary new forms of online entertainment while laying the foundation for Sony’s subsequent expansion into various online networked services.  In September 2011, he was appointed Chairman, SCEI.
Mr. Hirai began his career with CBS/Sony Inc. (now Sony Music Entertainment Japan) in 1984, where he was involved in the marketing of international music in Japan and later headed the international business affairs department.  He then moved to Sony Music Japan’s New York office, where he led the marketing of Sony Music Japan artists in the U.S. 
In 1995, he joined Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) and, in 1999, was appointed President and Chief Operating Officer of SCEA with responsibility for overall operational management of the U.S. game business.  In 2006, Mr. Hirai was appointed President and Group Chief Operating Officer, SCEI, extending his responsibilities to the game business worldwide.  During his time, first at SCEA and then at SCEI, Mr. Hirai played a pivotal role in elevating the industry into a hugely significant genre, while at the same time making the PlayStation brand synonymous with exceptional gaming and entertainment. 
In 2009, Mr. Hirai was appointed President of the Networked Products & Services Group at Sony Corporation, enabling him to drive new integration and innovation across Sony’s networked products and services, including the successful launch of the Music Unlimited and Video Unlimited online services.  As of April 2011, Mr. Hirai assumed responsibility for all of Sony’s consumer electronics products and services, together with its global software, sales and marketing and design platforms.

Mr. Hirai received his bachelor of liberal arts degree from the International Christian University in Tokyo.

Google Power

Larry Page CEO and Co-Founder

As Google’s chief executive officer, Larry is responsible for Google’s day-to-day-operations, as well as leading the company’s product development and technology strategy. He co-founded Google with Sergey Brin in 1998 while pursuing a Ph.D. at Stanford University, and was the first CEO until 2001—growing the company to more than 200 employees and profitability. From 2001 to 2011, Larry was president of products.
Larry holds a bachelor’s degree in engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and a master’s degree in computer science from Stanford University. He is a member of the National Advisory Committee (NAC) of the University of Michigan College of Engineering, and together with co-founder Sergey Brin, Larry was honored with the Marconi Prize in 2004. He is a trustee on the board of the X PRIZE, and was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2004.
Eric E. Schmidt

Eric E. Schmidt Executive Chairman

Since joining Google in 2001, Eric Schmidt has helped grow the company from a Silicon Valley startup to a global leader in technology. As executive chairman, he is responsible for the external matters of Google: building partnerships and broader business relationships, government outreach and technology thought leadership, as well as advising the CEO and senior leadership on business and policy issues.
From 2001-2011, Eric served as Google’s chief executive officer, overseeing the company’s technical and business strategy alongside founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Under his leadership, Google dramatically scaled its infrastructure and diversified its product offerings while maintaining a strong culture of innovation.
Prior to joining Google, Eric was the chairman and CEO of Novell and chief technology officer at Sun Microsystems, Inc. Previously, he served on the research staff at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Bell Laboratories and Zilog. He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Princeton University as well as a master’s degree and Ph.D. in computer science from the University of California, Berkeley.
Eric is a member of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology and the Prime Minister’s Advisory Council in the U.K. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2006 and inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences as a fellow in 2007. He also chairs the board of the New America Foundation, and since 2008 has been a trustee of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. In May 2012, Eric became a member of Khan Academy’s board of directors and in 2013 he joined the board of The Economist.
Sergey Brin

Sergey Brin Co-Founder

Sergey Brin co-founded Google Inc. in 1998. Today, he directs special projects. From 2001 to 2011, Sergey served as president of technology, where he shared responsibility for the company’s day-to-day operations with Larry Page and Eric Schmidt.
Sergey received a bachelor’s degree with honors in mathematics and computer science from the University of Maryland at College Park. He is currently on leave from the Ph.D. program in computer science at Stanford University, where he received his master’s degree. Sergey is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a recipient of a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship.
He has published more than a dozen academic papers, including Extracting Patterns and Relations from the World Wide Web; Dynamic Data Mining: A New Architecture for Data with High Dimensionality, which he published with Larry Page; Scalable Techniques for Mining Causal Structures; Dynamic Itemset Counting and Implication Rules for Market Basket Data; and Beyond Market Baskets: Generalizing Association Rules to Correlations.
David C. Drummond

David C. Drummond Senior Vice President, Corporate Development and Chief Legal Officer

David Drummond joined Google in 2002, and serves as senior vice president, corporate development and chief legal officer. He leads Google's global teams for legal, public policy, communications, corporate development/mergers and acquisitions, and product quality operations. He also serves as chairman of Google's investment arms, Google Ventures and Google Capital.
David was first introduced to Google in 1998 as a partner in the corporate transactions group at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and Rosati, one of the nation's leading law firms representing technology businesses. He served as Google's first outside counsel and worked with Larry Page and Sergey Brin to incorporate the company and secure its initial rounds of financing.
David earned his bachelor’s degree in history from Santa Clara University and his J.D. from Stanford Law School. He serves on the board of directors of Uber Technologies, Inc. and Rocket Lawyer Inc.
Patrick Pichette

Patrick Pichette Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Patrick Pichette is Google’s chief financial officer. He has nearly 20 years of experience in financial operations and management in the telecommunications sector, including seven years at Bell Canada, which he joined in 2001 as executive vice president of planning and performance management. During his time at Bell Canada, he held various executive positions, including CFO from 2002 until the end of 2003, and was instrumental in the management of the most extensive communications network in Canada and its ongoing migration to a new national IP-based infrastructure. Prior to joining Bell Canada, Patrick was a partner at McKinsey & Company, where he was a lead member of McKinsey’s North American Telecom Practice. He also served as vice president and chief financial officer of Call-Net Enterprises Inc., a Canadian telecommunications company.
Patrick is a board member of Trudeau Foundation and serves as an advisor to Engineers Without Borders, Canada. Patrick earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Université du Québec à Montréal. He holds a master’s degree in philosophy, politics and economics from Oxford University, where he attended as a Rhodes Scholar.
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Senior Leadership

Alan Eustace

Alan Eustace

Senior Vice President, Knowledge
Amit Singhal

Amit Singhal

Senior Vice President, Search and Google Fellow
Craig Barratt

Craig Barratt

Senior Vice President, Access and Energy
Kent Walker

Kent Walker

Senior Vice President and General Counsel
Laszlo Bock

Laszlo Bock

Senior Vice President, People Operations
Lorraine Twohill

Lorraine Twohill

Senior Vice President, Global Marketing
Omid Kordestani

Omid Kordestani

Interim Chief Business Officer, Special Advisor to the CEO
Rachel Whetstone

Rachel Whetstone

Senior Vice President, Communications and Policy
Salar Kamangar

Salar Kamangar

Senior Vice President, Products
Sridhar Ramaswamy

Sridhar Ramaswamy

Senior Vice President, Ads & Commerce
Sundar Pichai

Sundar Pichai

Senior Vice President, Android, Chrome & Apps
Susan Wojcicki

Susan Wojcicki

Senior Vice President, YouTube
Urs Hölzle

Urs Hölzle

Senior Vice President, Technical Infrastructure, and Google Fellow

Board of Directors

Larry Page, CEO 
Sergey Brin, Co-Founder 
Eric E. Schmidt, Executive Chairman 
L. John Doerr has served as a member of our board of directors since May 1999. John has been a General Partner of Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, a venture capital firm, since August 1980. John has also been a member of the board of directors of Amyris, Inc., a synthetic biology company, since May 2006, and serves as chair of its nominating and governance committee and as a member of its leadership development and compensation committee; and Zynga Inc., a provider of social game services, since April 2013. John was previously a director of, Inc., an internet retail company, from 1996 to 2010. John holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Harvard Business School, and a Master of Science degree in electrical engineering and computer science, and a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Rice University.
More about L. John Doerr »
Diane B. Greene has served as a member of our board of directors since January 2012. Diane has also been a member of the board of directors of Intuit Inc., a provider of business and financial management solutions, since August 2006 and serves on its audit and risk committee and nominating and corporate governance committee. She is also a member of The MIT Corporation, the governing body of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Diane co-founded VMware, Inc., a provider of virtualization and virtualization-based cloud infrastructure solutions, in 1998 and took the company public in 2007. She served as Chief Executive Officer and President of VMware from 1998 to 2008, as a member of the board of directors of VMware from 2007 to 2008, and as an Executive Vice President of EMC Corporation, a provider of information infrastructure and virtual infrastructure technologies, solutions and services, from 2005 to 2008. Prior to VMware, Diane held technical leadership positions at Silicon Graphics Inc., a provider of technical computing, storage and data center solutions, Tandem Computers, Inc., a manufacturer of computer systems, and Sybase Inc., a global enterprise software and services company, and was Chief Executive Officer of VXtreme, Inc., a developer of streaming media solutions. Diane holds a Master of Science degree in computer science from the University of California, Berkeley, a Master of Science degree in naval architecture from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Vermont.
John L. Hennessy has served as a member of our board of directors since April 2004, and as Lead Independent Director since April 2007. John has served as the President of Stanford University since September 2000. John has also been a member of the board of directors of Cisco Systems, Inc., a networking equipment company, since January 2002, and serves on its nominating and governance committee and acquisition committee. He also serves as a trustee of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. From 1994 to August 2000, John held various positions at Stanford, including Dean of the Stanford University School of Engineering and Chair of the Stanford University Department of Computer Science. John co-founded and served as the chairman of the board of directors of Atheros Communications, Inc., a wireless semiconductor company, from 1998 to 2010. John holds a Doctoral degree and a Master of Science degree in computer science from the State University of New York, Stony Brook, and a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Villanova University.
More about John L. Hennessy »
Ann Mather has served as a member of our board of directors since November 2005. Ann has also been a member of the board of directors of: Glu Mobile Inc., a publisher of mobile games, since September 2005, and serves on its nominating and governance committee; Netflix, Inc., an internet subscription service for movies and television shows, since July 2010, and serves as chair of its audit committee; Shutterfly, Inc., a manufacturer and digital retailer of personalized products and services, since May 2013, and serves on its audit committee; and Solazyme, Inc., a renewable oil and bioproducts company, since April 2011, and serves as chair of its audit committee. Ann has also been an independent trustee to the Dodge & Cox Funds board of trustees since May 2011. Ann was previously a director of Central European Media Enterprises Group, a developer and operator of national commercial television channels and stations in Central and Eastern Europe, from 2004 to 2009, and MoneyGram International, Inc., a global payment services company, from May 2010 to May 2013. From 1999 to 2004, Ann was Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Pixar, a computer animation studio. Prior to her service at Pixar, Ann was Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Village Roadshow Pictures, the film production division of Village Roadshow Limited. Ann holds a Master of Arts degree from Cambridge University in England and is a chartered accountant.
Alan R. Mulally has served as a member of our board of directors since July 2014. Alan served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Ford Motor Company, a global automotive company, from September 2006 through June 2014. Alan was previously member of the board of directors of Ford and served on its finance committee from September 2006 through June 2014. From March 2001 to September 2006, Alan served as Executive Vice President of the Boeing Company and President and Chief Executive Officer of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Inc. He also was a member of the Boeing Executive Council. Prior to that time, he served as President of Boeing’s space and defense business. Alan served as co-chair of the Washington Competitiveness Council and sat on the advisory boards of NASA, the University of Washington, the University of Kansas, the Massachusetts Institute Technology, and the U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. He is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering and a fellow of England’s Royal Academy of Engineering. Alan holds a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in aeronautical and astronautical engineering from the University of Kansas, and a Master’s degree in Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a 1982 Alfred P. Sloan fellow.
Paul S. Otellini has served as a member of our board of directors since April 2004. Paul served as the Chief Executive Officer and President of Intel Corporation, a semiconductor manufacturing company, from May 2005 to May 2013, and as a member of its board of directors from 2002 to May 2013. He also served as Intel’s Chief Operating Officer from 2002 to May 2005. From 1974 to 2002, Paul held various positions at Intel, including Executive Vice President and General Manager, Intel Architecture Group, and Executive Vice President and General Manager, Sales and Marketing Group. Paul holds a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from the University of San Francisco.
More about Paul S. Otellini »
K. Ram Shriram has served as a member of our board of directors since September 1998. Ram has been a managing partner of Sherpalo Ventures, LLC, an angel venture investment company, since January 2000. From August 1998 to September 1999, Ram served as Vice President of Business Development at, Inc., an internet retail company. Prior to that, Ram served as President at Junglee Corporation, a provider of database technology, which was acquired by in 1998. Ram was an early member of the executive team at Netscape Communications Corporation. Ram is also on the board of trustees of Stanford University. Ram holds a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from the University of Madras, India.
More about K. Ram Shriram »
Shirley M. Tilghman has served as a member of our board of directors since October 2005. Shirley served as the President of Princeton University from June 2001 to July 2013. Shirley also serves as a trustee of the Advantage Testing Foundation, Amherst College, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, and the Leadership for a Diverse America. From August 1986 to June 2001, she served as a Professor at Princeton University, and from August 1988 to June 2001, as an Investigator at Howard Hughes Medical Institute. In 1998, she took the role as founding director of Princeton’s multi-disciplinary Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics. Shirley holds a Doctoral degree in biochemistry from Temple University, and a Bachelor of Science degree with honors in chemistry from Queen’s University.

Facebook Brain

Mark Zuckerberg
Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Mark is the Founder, Chairman and CEO of Facebook, which he founded in 2004. Mark is responsible for setting the overall direction and product strategy for the company. He leads the design of Facebook's service and development of its core technology and infrastructure. Mark studied computer science at Harvard University before moving the company to Palo Alto, California

Sheryl Sandberg
Chief Operating Officer
Sheryl Sandberg is Chief Operating Officer at Facebook. She oversees the firm's business operations including sales, marketing, business development, legal, human resources, public policy and communications. Prior to Facebook, Sandberg was vice president of Global Online Sales and Operations at Google, where she built and managed the online sales channels for advertising and publishing and operations for consumer products worldwide. She previously served as Chief of Staff for the United States Treasury Department under President Bill Clinton and began her career as an economist with the World Bank. She received B.A. and M.B.A degrees from Harvard University.

Sandberg also serves on the boards of Facebook, ONE, The Walt Disney Company, Women for Women International, the Center for Global Development and V-Day.

Marc Andreessen 
Marc L. Andreessen has served as a member of our board of directors since June 2008. Mr. Andreessen is a co-founder and has been a General Partner of Andreessen Horowitz, a venture capital firm, since July 2009. Previously, Mr. Andreessen co-founded and served as the Chairman of the board of directors of Opsware, Inc. (formerly known as Loudcloud Inc.), a software company. He also served as Chief Technology Officer of America Online, Inc., an Internet services company. Mr. Andreessen was a co-founder of Netscape Communications Corporation, a software company, serving in various positions, including Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President of Products. In addition to serving on our board of directors, Mr. Andreessen currently serves as a member of the boards of directors of eBay Inc., the Hewlett-Packard Company and several private companies. Mr. Andreessen holds a B.S. in computer science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Erskine B. Bowles 
Erskine B. Bowles has served as a member of our board of directors since September 2011. Mr. Bowles is President Emeritus of the University of North Carolina and served as President from January 2006 through December 2010. Mr. Bowles has also been a Senior Advisor of BDT Capital Partners, LLC, a private investment firm, since January 2012. From February 2010 until December 2010, he served as Co-Chair of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. Mr. Bowles has been a Senior Advisor since 2001 and was Managing Director from 1999 to 2001 of Carousel Capital LLC, a private investment firm. He was also a partner of Forstmann Little & Co., an investment firm, from 1999 to 2001. Mr. Bowles began his career in corporate finance at Morgan Stanley and subsequently helped found and ultimately served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Bowles Hollowell Connor & Co., an investment banking firm. He also was a founder of Kitty Hawk Capital, a venture capital firm. Mr. Bowles served as White House Chief of Staff from 1996 to 1998 and Deputy White House Chief of Staff from 1994 to 1995. In addition to serving on our board of directors, Mr. Bowles currently serves as a member of the boards of directors of Morgan Stanley, Belk, Inc., and Norfolk Southern Corporation. Mr. Bowles also served as a member of the board of directors of General Motors Company from June 2005 to April 2009 and Cousins Properties Incorporated from August 2003 to May 2012. Mr. Bowles holds a B.S. in business from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an M.B.A. from Columbia University Graduate School of Business.

Susan Desmond-Hellmann 
Susan D. Desmond-Hellmann has served as a member of our board of directors since March 2013. Dr. Desmond-Hellmann is the Chief Executive Officer of The Gates Foundation. Prior to joining The Gates Foundation in May 2014, she was the Chancellor and Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock Distinguished Professor, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), where she served since August 2009. From 2004 through 2009, Dr. Desmond-Hellmann served as President of Product Development at Genentech, where she was responsible for pre-clinical and clinical development, business development, and product portfolio management. She joined Genentech in 1995. Prior to joining Genentech, Dr. Desmond-Hellmann was associate director of clinical cancer research at Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute. In addition to serving on our board of directors, Dr. Desmond-Hellmann currently serves as a member of the board of directors of The Procter & Gamble Company. Dr. Desmond-Hellmann holds a B.S. in Pre-Med and an M.D. from the University of Nevada, Reno, and an M.P.H. from the University of California, Berkeley.

Donald E. Graham 
Donald E. Graham has served as a member of our board of directors since March 2009. Mr. Graham has served as the Chief Executive Officer of The Washington Post Company, an education and media company, since 1991 and as Chairman of its board of directors since 1993. Mr. Graham holds an A.B. in English history and literature from Harvard University.

Lead Independant DirectorLead Independent Director
Reed Hastings 
Reed Hastings has served as a member of our board of directors since June 2011. Mr. Hastings has served as the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the board of directors of Netflix, Inc., a provider of an Internet subscription service for movies and television shows, since 1999. Prior to Netflix, Mr. Hastings served as Chief Executive Officer of Technology Network, a political service organization for the technology industry. Mr. Hastings served as Chief Executive Officer of Pure Atria Software, a maker of software development tools, from 1991 until it was acquired by Rational Software Corporation in 1997. Mr. Hastings previously served as a member of the board of directors of Microsoft Corporation from March 2007 to November 2012. Mr. Hastings holds a B.A. in mathematics from Bowdoin College and an M.S.C.S. in computer science from Stanford University.

Jan Koum 
Jan Koum is the co-founder and CEO of WhatsApp, a communication service that he co-founded in 2009. He is responsible for setting the overall direction and strategy for WhatsApp. Together with his co-founder Brian Acton, Jan is also responsible for the design and interface of WhatsApp's service and the development of its core technology and infrastructure.  Jan grew up in Ukraine before he immigrated to California in 1992, where he studied at and later dropped out of San Jose State University.

Peter A. Thiel 
Peter A. Thiel has served as a member of our board of directors since April 2005. Mr. Thiel has served as President of Thiel Capital, an investment firm, since 2011, a Partner of Founders Fund, a venture capital firm, since 2005, and President of Clarium Capital Management, a global macro investment manager, since 2002. In 1998, Mr. Thiel co-founded PayPal, Inc., an online payment company, where he served as Chief Executive Officer, President and Chairman of its board of directors from 2000 until its acquisition by eBay in 2002. Mr. Thiel holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Stanford University and a J.D. from Stanford Law School.