Wednesday, June 5, 2024

korean in MBS

  A 31-year-old tourist from South Korea was sentenced to six months' jail on Wednesday (May 24) for stealing S$29,000 from her friend and losing it all at the gambling tables of Marina Bay Sands’ casino.

Song Hayan, who was here on a social visit pass, pleaded guilty to committing theft earlier in the month after her arrest on April 21.

The South Korean arrived in Singapore on April 17 with her friend Bae Jiyoon, 30, for a holiday. They first stayed at Equarius Hotel on Sentosa Island, before checking into a hotel at the Marina Bay Sands integrated resort.

On the afternoon of April 21, Bae left the hotel room to go shopping on her own while Song was asleep.

A few hours later, Bae returned to her hotel room and Song was not around.

She proceeded to look for a transparent bag she had that contained S$29,000, which she had placed underneath the clothing in her luggage.

State Prosecuting Officer (SPO) Lim Yeow Leong told the court that Bae was not able to find the bag even though she had seen it earlier before she left.

She noticed that someone seemed to have rummaged through her clothing and searched her luggage. 

She then called Song's mobile phone, but her calls went unanswered. She then went to look for Song at the casino in Marina Bay Sands, but could not find her.

The court heard that Bae eventually decided to post on her Instagram account, tagged Song’s account in the post, and urged Song to return the money because she believed that her friend had taken it.

Shortly after that, Song called Bae and asked to meet her at the first level of the casino.

When they met, Song was holding onto Bae's empty transparent bag. She admitted that she took the money and lost the full amount while gambling at the casino.

SPO Lim said investigations later revealed that Song knew Bae was in possession of a huge sum of cash and had searched her luggage to steal the money when Bae was out shopping.

No money has been recovered and no restitution has been made by Song to Bae.

On Wednesday, Song, who was not represented by a lawyer, apologised and tearfully pleaded with the court for leniency. She asked the court to "forgive" her this once and allow her "to go back to Korea".

She added that since her arrest, she has been having "a difficult time" in prison as she was unable to communicate with anyone. 

In delivering his sentence, District Judge Kenneth J Chin told Song that theft offences are taken seriously here and that her sentence "must reflect" that she stole a large sum of money.

However, he took into account her early plea of guilt and accepted that it was a "reflection" of her genuine remorse.

The judge told her he hopes that this episode will "serve as a lesson" to her after she is released, because Singapore has "zero tolerance" towards crime.

For committing theft, Song could have been jailed up to seven years and fined.

카이스트 비위

 한국과학기술원(카이스트) 소속 포닥(박사 후 연구원)이었던 30대 미국인이 미성년자를 비롯해 다수의 여성들과 성관계를 하고 인증샷 등을 동의 없이 온라인에 유포한 혐의로 고발당한 것으로 파악됐다.

29일 법조계 등에 따르면 경찰청은 지난 27일 미국인 A(32)씨의 미성년자의제강간 및 불법촬영물 유포 등 혐의 고발 사건을 대전경찰청 대전둔산경찰서에 배당했다.

미국인 A씨는 2022년 9월부터 카이스트에서 포닥으로 재직할 당시 대전 일대에서 데이팅 애플리케이션(앱)을 통해 만난 다수의 한국 여성들과 성관계를 하고 이를 여성들의 동의 없이 사진과 함께 인증글을 사회관계망서비스(SNS)에 유포했다는 혐의를 받는다.

고발장에는 그가 SNS에 올린 '나는 아시아 여자를 끌어당기는 자석이다' '한국 여자들은 나를 페티쉬화해준다' '한국 여자라고 부드럽게 대하지 않을 거야' 등 한국 여성들을 성적으로 희롱하는 발언 등이 담겼다.

이에 더해 '18세 미성년자를 성폭행했다'는 내용의 글도 올린 것으로 알려졌다. 해당 SNS는 현재 규칙 위반으로 이용중지된 상태다.

A씨에 대한 비위를 제보받은 카이스트는 지난해 3월 근무태만 등 사유로 해고했다.

이후 A씨가 연구실에서 사용하던 컴퓨터를 무단 반출하고 훼손하자, 한 카이스트 관계자는 지난 1월 그를 업무방해 및 전자기록 등 손괴 혐의로 경찰에 고소했다.

A씨는 경찰에 고소장이 접수된 이후 해외로 출국한 것으로 알려졌다. 이후에도 자신의 SNS에 지속적으로 학교에 대한 비방 글을 올렸고, 이에 불법촬영물 유포 등 혐의로 추가 고발에 나섰다는 것이 또 다른 카이스트 관계자의 설명이다.

카이스트 한 관계자는 "A씨가 억울한 해고라고 신고했는데 노동청에서 받아들여지지 않자 학교에 대한 욕설을 하고 다닌다"며 "한국에 잠시 온다고 하는데 경찰이 재빨리 출국금지 조치해야 한다"고 말했다.

뉴시스는 A씨의 해명을 듣기 위해 수차례 연락을 시도했으나 닿지 않았다.